Thursday, August 4, 2011

the changes 4-8-2011

Today, he came infornt of me and talk to me. He pointed to my watch saying " 2 months ". [4-6-2011--4-8-2011]

Yea. Lots of things happened during these 2 months. Learning how to make my life more joyful and happy aren't a simple task. It requires a great changes in our ownselves. Sometimes, if the changes you did can make yourself and people around you to be more happy. It is absolutely great.
Recently, i emo cause something that can't make through my mind. Something unsolved bothering me. Today, although it's still unsolved, but since it already happened, I will let it be. Stop thinking is the only thing i can do. We should treasure the time we have wisely so that we won't regret in the future.
Sorry for not approaching to you recently. I think it is bout a week we didn't take. Actually I feel shock when you approached to me today. We start taking like before. I know most of your status is bout me and i know things that happened means happened and we can't do anything anymore. But i will still feel guilty over the things I had done on you. I hope the another part of your heart can be sew back. I treasure our friendship very much. I know you too.
Guys, the words you all said will always in my mind.
Sorry for everything!

- Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forgive the one who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. Don't look back -

cheer up birdie